Since we are on the topic of moms, before I get to my own issues. I just wanna give a shout out to a few amazing moms out there...this could be a long list. My Aunt Mar...you are always there no matter what...and so selfless! Love you so much and you deserve the best! Mama Sandy...you are a constant and inspiring and so amazing! Love you bunches! My amazing friends that I vent with, learn with and more importantly grow with: Cara, Angie, Dani, Krista...I hope you know now and always just how much I love and adore and respect all of you! I could not get through this life without you!! My AMAZING mother in law who cares for my babies everyday, I love you and there is no way I would be where I am without you!! Nor would I even want to!! Love you Connie!! My sister from another mother Ricki...my girl. You know how much you mean to me! I love you!! You are always there...no matter if he is your brother or not...you listen and more importantly take my side! lol My "hood posse" Kathi and Tricia, I hope you gals know how much I love you! I thank you for the countless days of "drama filled" conversations...and "bitch fests" about things...love you girls so very much! I think you girls daily see me at my best and worst and still wanna hang with me...BIG kuddos there! Love you! Lindsey and Leigh...wow, I don't even pretend to know how to get through this life without you now! I love you gals!! I do. You both let me vent and vice versa...I think we have learned so much from one another!! And last but not least, Kelli...my online soulmate...love you girl and thank you so much for all of your sound advice and our talks...you are an amazing mom and friend!!
Now, this in no way negates the positive influence all of my mama friends have on me. I have a slue of friends and family that are just as worthy of praise. I just only have so much time this evening, so if I did not mention you personally...please know that I love and value you all! All of the moms out there. There is no job more thankless yet rewarding than being a mom.
Now, being selfish...back to me. Am I a horrible person for thinking that Mothers Day should be about mom? Meaning a break from the kids? I must be. My dream Mothers Day weekend would include the following, not necessarily in this order:
Coming home on Friday to an EMPTY house with dinner from Fiesta Charra in tow.
Immediately laying on the couch and eating, watching whatever I want...The Walking Dead perhaps for the 900th time.
Waking up on Saturday to an empty house around noon.
Leaving long enough to get Jolly's for lunch and a Richards Steak Sandwich for dinner.
Continue lying on couch and watching TV, maybe The Walking Dead.
Fall asleep around 9.
Sleep til noon.
Clean the house.
My husband and babies come home to me in a good mood for once and we have a nice family dinner!
Dream on I know.
til next time
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