I've been in quite a slump until lately.
I suppose one could blame it on winter, the economy, or just the stress of life in general. Does not matter, because I have emerged triumphantly with the motivation of a prepubescent teen that has discovered free porn for the first time. I am on a self proclaimed journey of eliminating all clutter from my entire life, and every aspect of it. I have since thinned out my Facebook friends, simply because the constant whining and political rantings were contributing to my aforementioned slump. I have started to redecorate and improve every room in our home with as little expense as possible. I have also decided to bring my Pinterest boards to life...well, at least the ones within my limited budget. While planning these projects out...I decided that some of my pins...well, were just honest feelings that I have pinned without explaining. So, without further adieu...this blog entry.
This is me. Every.Single.Day.Of.My.Life. I love being feared. I thrive on my OCD and doing things the way they SHOULD be done. I am definitely not an easy breezy let everything flow kind of gal.
A psychiatrist would have a field day with me.
Seriously. There is enough within my brain to keep even the brightest minds perplexed until the end of time. I am a puzzle wrapped in a Rubik's Cube with a New York Time's crossword filling.
More truth has never been spoken in this technical age. I love Pinterest simply because I tend to be too lazy to come up with creative things on my own. Basically Pinterest is a plagiarist's playground only you have everyone's permission to copy their ideas! It is GENIUS!! Facebook on the other hand does nothing but piss me off the majority of the time. I have been trying really hard to be good about not posting my DEPRESSION and being DOWN ALL THE TIME ABOUT EVERYTHING. I want to be able to log on and see funny...happy...cute...interesting. I know I used to be one of those depressing people, I fully admit to this. I am done with the woe as me bullshit. We all have enough to deal with, this social media outlet should be used to entertain and interact in a positive way. What the fuck people?
NO WE DON'T!!!! I know I post pictures of my cakes...I'm trying to make some extra money with that. Call me a hypocrite if you will, I have posted pictures of my dinner at times. But not every day three or four times a day! I do not need to see every single nutrient that makes its way through your digestive system on a daily basis.
Alllllrighty then. I have an uncanny ability to recall useless random facts about movies and television. I have the same ability with phone numbers. Ask me about American history...I could give you a brief overview...but I would be more apt to refer you to Lincoln produced by Stephen Spielberg or Google or the archaic notion called a library. I could name movie or TV show quotes for days on end.
I may not know history, science, definitely not math...but there is yet another subject other than TV and movies that I am an amateur know it all at...anything and every thing horror.
I will give even the most atrocious horror movie at least 1/3 of the way through before I bail. I will watch anything and everything true crime. I love zombies. I refuse to apologize for looking forward to the blonde with double D's agonizing death in EVERY single horror movie. I, along with every other horror fan, know that one girl will be a dumb ass and run through the woods and OMG! WHAT! YOU TRIPPED AND FELL?? NO!!! Really? Did not expect that. LOL. Fucking really? I will say that the horror movies lately are at least "trying" to not be so predictable...which is much appreciated. Although, I love the expected...mixed with the unexpected...that makes you jump out of your seat. My idea of a perfect evening is kids in bed...clean house...lights out...popcorn with a lot of butter...coca cola on ice and a scary movie...alone. My husband talks through scary movies and that drives me insane. Speaking of husbands...
...after almost NINETEEN years...I cannot sit near my husband whom I love more than anyone on earth...when he eats. OMG. I have not made popcorn for our movie nights since I was like 25 because I want to put my fist through his throat to stop the chomping during the movie. We actually watched This Is 40 a few weeks ago...and we both agreed...even though we want to kill each other in some brutal ways at times...we could not live without each other.
We had the best night that night. Honestly, laughing about how we would kill each other and why. I know to most this sounds like a cry for help for our kids. CPS where are you? LOL. This is the beauty of our relationship...we have FUN!!! Even broke, no vacations, cabin fever, whatever...we still have FUN with each other!! God I love that man. But seriously, he needs to hush it with the chewing of food before he gets a cleaver in the temple.
On to something more family friendly...
At least two of my children...unfortunately are just like me. They cannot walk without tripping over imaginary objects, tables jump out at them, walls push them to the ground, and when their hair gets in their face apparently the centrifugal force of the earth throws them off balance and they just run into the object closest to them. I remember clear as day going for a walk when I was 15 and seeing a cement block in my path and getting distracted for a second and I over compensated and fell on my ass. Missing the cement block by at least 3 feet, thus leading to my cousin who was with me never letting me live it down to this day. It is written in my yearbook...and in just about every card I have received from her since. My name is Candice, and I am a klutz. Henceforth, so are my children. It is a rare but apparently inherited trait that I pray they outgrow. Sydnee thankfully, is as graceful as a gazelle. The other two...well, at least we have each other...poor sweet babies.
This blog entry has been fairly tame in comparison to my earlier posts. This could be contributed to the fact that I am sober...or there is the albeit slightest possibility that I am evolving as a writer. In all honesty, I listened to a discussion on the radio this morning about a private school making the females sign an agreement to no longer curse. Not the males. Just females. I believe I have proven that I can make my points and write my stories without the use of the dreaded F bomb. At the same time, I would like to say a big fucking fat fuck you to that school director. If one gender has to sign it they all should. In this day and fucking age??? Really now, how is that even allowed to occur?
I am not going off on a tangent this evening. Sorry folks. I will however leave you with one of the best pieces of advice I have ever read...
So funny I peed my pants!