Hello internet friends to be! I am starting a third and FINAL blog in the hopes that I keep up with this one...and that it takes off like fro-yo and makes me dolla bills!! But for real, I do lead a very stressful life and decided this may be quite therapeutic so I am giving it another shot. You should know that I am extra pissed off because I just spent the past half hour writing a post and BOOM! It was lost somehow. I am now saving after every other sentence like it's my job. And...save.
DISCLAIMER: I say what I want. I do what I want. At times it may seem inappropriate, unprovoked...mis-spelled even. It is what it is. I MAKE NO APOLOGIES. I tend to drink and post as well...so y'all can only imagine. I've lost some of the most important people in my life...so I may get sappy and depressing. On a completely different note...I love every single thing about the horror genre and The Walking Dead is a HUGE part of my life as is all things zombie related...Zombieland is a GREAT movie by the way(hence the picture from Zombie Walk 2011 above). You have been warned.
p.s. PROFANITY...and lots of it...especially when I have the Busch Light.
I guess I should tell you a little about me so you can "try" to follow along in my ramblings. I have a wonderful husband Jamie. Three beautiful daughters: Sydnee Ann(age 6), Abigail Kailyn(age 3) and Sophia Monroe(age 7 months). We have the bombdoggity of all dogs Zhoe/Zobert/Zobie whatever you feel the need to call her in the moment...a beagle/chihuahua(or chiweagle if you will)who is almost 13!! She is the understudy to the Queen B of this house...namely myself. We also have a 4 month old bassett hound named Dude. He was named that after "The Dude"...Jeff Bridges character in The Big Lebowski. I tried to get the girls to call him "LeBOWski"...didn't work. I don't think they quite understood the whole BOW-WOW reference inferred in the name Lebowski. However, he nowhere near embodies the traits of "the dude" yet. I thought bassett's were supposed to be lazy and cute...little did I know we got the Angela of Bassett's...he has done every thing BUT set the car on fire!!! We also have a barn cat cleverly named by Sydnee, Purrrrsnickety...because cats purr. You should know I do NOT CARE for cats. So that makes 7 kids I care for basically. You should know also that I was raised in a house where the woman takes care of everything and everyone in the house. I make no apologies for the way I am though. My husband may not do dishes or laundry...but he does things that are more important in my book. He is an AMAZING dad. UH-MAZING! I bitch about the fact that I do everything sometimes...but in the end when it is all said and done...I would rather do it myself. If someone else cleans...I go back over their work. I am OCD like that. And with my household...wow. WOW. OCD over-drive a lot of the time. But...it is my life and I chose it and I LOVE IT!!
Now...that covers my career...I also work a full time job. A job. That is what it is to me. My career is at home. However, I do like my job...and I love the people I work with...which makes it a little more bearable. I have a beautiful saint of a mother who is a bright beacon on earth...my brother Teddy and his daughter Raina...my brother Danny...my lovely Aunt Marilyn and her hubby Randy and Melissa , my grandma Fern and Dennise and the Dittman's...I have a saint of a mother in-law too who unselfishly watches my babies while I go to said job everyday...my father in-law...FIVE sister-in-laws, and more nieces and nephews and cousins to count!!! Not to mention my slue of AMAZING and WONDERFUL chosen family...my FRIENDS!!!!
Now for the rough part...I lost the main man in my life on 10/24/06...my daddy...followed not too long after by my Gram 3/13/07...and then my grampa 9/21/10. These three people meant the world to me...and I may have days where it's not all fun and games and I need to rant about loss(see disclaimer above).
So in conclusion "about me"...this about sums it up...I am:
All over the place
No holds barred
Icy at times
Caring...to the point that I lose myself
So ridiculous I know...to use the letters of your name to describe yourself. There is not a letter to describe it...but the rest of me goes like so...
I am a completely off my rocker, rambling, fumbling, grammar loving(who misuses grammar), busch light drinking, smoking, foot in the mouth, street smart, common sense, hard core rocking, zombie loving, go to slasher flick, poetry writing, artist, drunk interneting, friend of a friend of Ellen, clutzy, tattoo WANTING, tv junkie, chef in the making, completely lost gal trying to find her niche in this crazy fucked up world!
So...in summation...if you would like to follow me throughout this "blog of self discovery" and the what I am sure will be a wild ride...all aboard!! Just be sure to keep your hands inside the ride at all times...could get a little bumpy!
Til next time!!
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