I guess the government has finally done it! There is finally a good reason to stab puppies and beat the shit out of your girlfriend! Woot woot! Let's celebrate!!
What the fuck people? There are so many things wrong with this fucked up situation my cluttered little head cannot even fathom where to begin.
First of all, I will start at the bottom of the article stating the simple fact that after counts of battery and CHILD MOLESTATION...yes, MOLESTATION...again in case you missed it...MOLESTATION...dumbass was let out on bond. I do not even pretend to know all the ins and outs and what have yous about the law...but really??? I searched Randolph County...and no results found for Dennis White so he has not been "convicted" thus far to be fair. I say fair in the amount that it is like the amuse bouche of the definition. It is at best amuse-ing.
My second question...what the fuck is wrong with this woman? You cannot tell me she doesn't know his background...hell...she probably has a private room at the local ER thanks to this colossal ASS-BAG. WHY did she even put herself in this position? I know I was taught to "not judge a book by its cover"...but seeing his mugshot printed for the world to see along with what I am sure is only a "smidge" of his rap sheet...I think it is fine and dandy in this instance to judge away. And so I am, obviously. Drug-fueled psycho. That is the first thing that comes to mind. HEAVY emphasis on the "psycho". Who the FUCK looks at this guy and says to themselves, "Yes! He is IT!!! Everything I could have dreamed of! We will ride unicorns into the sunset and make rainbow babies!" Looks more like they went on an adventure to Candy Mountain in the end. And we all know what happened to Charlie. Now, I am not completely biased...I realize it is a mugshot. Maybe he is a clean cut khaki wearing perfect tie goes with my iced mocha kinda guy. I HIGHLY doubt it. I personally feel that some of Lindsay Lohan's mugshots bring out her glorious features than others that the papparatz peeps capture too, however, I am getting away from my point. Not only ALL of the above lady...but WHY, dear God why would you even tell him you got a check??? How easy is it to say..."yo, didn't come yet." Even dope-heads know the gov't is fucked up and it takes forever to get a check! You would have listened to him rant and rave about how fucked up the gov't is...and he probably would have walked out of your house willingly and went to the nearest walker of the night persuasion to get his fix and you AND your dogs would be fine.
Third point being...those poor poor dogs! That is the saddest thing about this whole ATROCITY. Two weeks old...I am cringing even thinking about it. Sarah McLachlan should have free reign with this sorry fuck waste of a human life. I cannot even elaborate on this part too much because it makes me so ill. Does that say something about me? I care more about the dogs in this than the woman? Maybe so. I am all for woman empowerment and pro-choice and anti-abuse. I understand if a woman has a hard time escaping an abusive situation. I really do. At the same time...I do feel like some women keep going back and put themselves in a situation that can end in tragedy. I speak from experience to a point. I have been in situations as such and left at the first sign. Period. You do not let it get to the next level. Because the next level could be the end. I have had friends who were and ARE in this situation. And I make no apologies for the fact that I do NOT feel sorry for them. And they know my feelings on it. Time after time after time. They have been offered help...and the hold that that ignorant, cowardly, sorry excuse for a living being has on them is too strong. Stronger than they are. It makes me sad yes. But do I feel sorry for them...no. Would I be there for them...yes. Would I be completely 100% bluntly honest about what I think they should do? Yes. Would I be the first to call the proper authorities? Yes. And I have. More than once. Have I lost friends because of this? Yes. Did it hurt? Yes. But you have to let people live their lives I suppose. As long as they are not the abuser...in that scenario they should be bound and covered in honey and put on a red ant hill and then unbound and drawn and quartered...just sayin. See? I got to ramblin again.
This world gets more fucked up by the minute. And it sucks that I have to shield my daughters from so much and at the same time educate them about the far too many dangers outside the walls of our home. That in itself could be labeled a full time job. Not could be...it is.
In conclusion...get it together people! Live your life and be kind to humans and animals...and for the love of God stop stabbing puppies!!!
*Disclaimer: I may reference wanting to harm my puppy...but I want it known...that no matter how bad my crack habit gets...I would never harm him...in any way. I do love the little sumbitch!! Also...I LOVE my country...I really do...I am thankful to be here...where I can share what insanity is in my head to y'all...and I love that people still want to protect this great land...even though the majority of its leaders ideals are insane. Not excluding my own. =) Not that I am a leader by no means...though I hope to be. A leader of awesomeness. Thanks.
**Disclaimer Numero Dos: I may make a great deal of disclaimers in this blog.
***Disclaimer Numero Tres: I googled "numero dos"...funny and ironic seeing as how I refer to Dude as stupid as shit...but I was totally serious about not harming my dog, I would NEVER do it. The worst I would do is cage him if he got too outta hand. And just in case you are wanting to google "numero tres" now...already done for you. And not funny...or ironic...or really anything as far as I can tell. Except Spanish for #3. Obviously I cannot figure out how to make the little ' over the 'e' in numero.
Until next time! xoxo
Numero dos haha. Nasty evil despicable puppy stabber!
ReplyDeleteBTW the puppy stabber article link is no longer available.