Hola internet peeps. After playing outside and then baking all evening I was watching the latest and loveliest Jenna Marbles video of the week...and decided to give myself a super quick pedicure. While doing so I clicked a video that popped up on the side of this obviously semi teenage girl. I was instantly disgusted. Not at her, at all. At everyone that made her feel that she needed reassurance that she was beautiful. And once I clicked on it...a slue of others showed up with the same premise. What the FUCK are we doing to our young girls??!! I make fun of my imperfections and make light of them with my girls and I tell them all the time how beauty is not on the outside. I know, sounds like I live in fucking Disney right? No...I am not saying that they don't see me throw a slight hissy fit when something doesn't fit...and they see me working out now and ask why I am. I tell them it is to be healthier. I don't admit it is because I want to be in that gorgeous black dress that has been hanging in my closet for 9 years but can't because thanks to the wondrous act of childbirth thrice times over it will never happen! No. I really try hard to teach them not to live up to "society's" standards of beauty. I mean...just seeing the video above...and then this girl...and then this girl...and this girl...and even this girl who is 21!!! I am flabbergasted. And sad. So sad that these BEAUTIFUL girls think so little of themselves that they look towards youtube for confirmation and acceptance. Do not even get me going on the comments under some of these videos. I have flagged more comments on youtube tonight than I have since I discovered the site. The majority of the comments were sincere and reassuring, which is what I think these girls were looking for. Some comments were down right disgusting and degrading. The remainder of the comments were along the lines of, "Ur beautiful. Dont let any1 tell u ur not. Im 16 and would totally date you." They went on to list IM add's which I went through and flagged immediately. Those comments make me think it is from some piece of shit that resides under a steaming pile of cow shit coming from a cow that has mad cow disease who still resides in their mother's basement...and she doesn't think anything is wrong with a 40 year old species of the male gender because he is always there to take her to bingo and make pharmacy runs for her and tuck her in at night. Run on sentence much? In a word...pedophile. Mother fuckin low life sons a bitches. There is NO cure for that sickness. But that is a WHOLE other blog for another time. I will probably do that one Saturday, so y'all might wanna request off work...that could take a few days. I digress. With the birth of each of my girls, I have purchased the most wonderful of books. One for each of them. I have inscribed each one to fit each birth. If you have a daughter...she needs to have this book right HERE!! Girls DO hold up this world!! We need to teach our young ladies to be strong and confident and beautiful, from the inside, from their heart. It holds the simplest yet most profound message we could ever bestow upon them ladies and gents! Read it to them. Make them read it. It should be mandatory. It is my favorite children's book of all time. I wish I could mail a copy to the girls in the videos above. For this line alone: "We are sisters of this Earth -- members of one powerful tribe. Every color, age, and size, we're united by beauty inside."
This day and age is so strange to me. I suppose there was always that question of 'am I good enough or pretty enough'...and maybe it is because I am older and I don't remember it being that way. But I wish it was not that way for my daughters. And all of the young girls.
I know y'all are thinking where did this sunshine and roses we all should live atop rainbows and have pet unicorns and dancing fairy godmothers lady come from. I do have a soft side...and just like the aforementioned book says, when we show our softer side, does not mean we're weak. I am FAR from weak.
So, that is it for this evening.
Til next time.
I will definitely teach my son the same about ladies. How he should never judge them from their outward appearance. He will always respect a lady, however not all women are ladies. Some of us deserve respect, others do not deserve any such effort. He will need to know the difference in our twisted world today. Some women can be as sleazy, if not more sleazy than sleazy men.