Well HELLLOOO y'all!! Been awhile, yes I know. I am aware that "slacker" is an understatement when describing my blog habits. I am NOT going to apologize though. My life is one big fat crazy mess of hormones and tee ball and work and speech therapy and housework and...well, all things that come with being a wife and mother. There are quite a few things that are on my mind that would be considered a "hot button" issue. But I may just focus on one.singular.issue. It may just make things worse for a certain party...but the things on my mind need to get out of my mind and off my chest. I am really trying to be good...and not insert my opinionated self onto others. I have been thus far. I am not going to name names...or go into detail...this shall be an overview, a Cliffs Notes if you will, a brief angst-filled outlook on a situation. I will say, I do not boast any authority or education on relationships whatsoever! Hence the picture above, I am one of the "dummies" learning as I go along.
It took me a LONG time to become comfortable and confident in my own skin. I completely understand those that are insecure about themselves. I know where they are coming from. Once I had kids...that insecurity went out the window. Now it is about me and this little one right here. NO man will define me. Yes, I love my husband and our life and I thank God every day that he is my husband and an amazing father. I have girls...and they will be raised to sustain a life on their own...never defined by a man. This is getting off topic...but really it is about maturity. I have never, and will never claim to be the best mother or wife on Earth. However, when things are not as I'd like...I don't run up to my husband and scream and whine about it. We figure it out...together.
Now, that said...some ladies...choose a darker path. They rely on a man to validate their worth. "Oh, I cannot live without you." Or they throw in a jab about past relationships, totally disregarding that they have a past of their own. Insecurity at its best if you ask me. Some women like to make excuses for this. Double standard much?
Some take it to another extreme, violent extremes perhaps. More than once, and still make excuses. There is NO excuse for violence. If it has gotten to that point, obviously something is terribly wrong with your relationship. Scared to let go, scared of change...those things are understandable. Violence against the one you claim to love? NEVER understandable.
Now, taking the above two paragraphs into consideration...I am not completely heartless. I can sympathize to a point. And would have. But lying about it? I draw the line...the only time? No...this was not the ONLY time. Merry Christmas ring a bell? I have held my tongue for a long while. You have no right to do what you have done. NOTHING was done to you. In a drunken state you may have twisted things in your head to think so, but in reality...it wasn't. Defensively maybe...but never maliciously.
I am left with resentment, anger, sadness and disbelief as far as it goes. It sucks, for lack of a better word. I had high hopes and was left disappointed. I have no need or want for an explanation. It means nothing to me at this point.
In summation, life is entirely too short to waste it being unhappy. Live each day like it is your last. You'd be surprised at how happy you could be. Don't fret about the past...it is called that for a reason. The future is yours and it is there for the taking. For everyone of us that wants one. I personally do, and I look forward to each and every day...no mater how insane it may turn out to be with my husband and girls and Zhoe and that damn dog Dude. I LOVE my life! I may vent and complain from time to time...but I also know that this life is gonna throw some curve balls and I may not be ready for them...but my family will get through them. We will throw that ball back and line up in the dug out to hit another one outta the park! How's that for an American past time kinda ending to this entry?
I hate seeing people who define themselves by someone else in a romantic relationship, woman or man. Several of my family members are like this in their relationships and it breaks my heart to see that they can't be alone.