Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Helladays...

The Helladays.

That is what I like to call the start of this insanity of a season so to speak.  DRAMA.  Whether you want it or not.  Crazy, hectic, running to and is INSANE!!!

Turkey Day.  What ever happened to Turkey Day?  Getting together with family and enjoying the time together.  Being thankful, or fessing up to past indiscretions like sneaking out after the parents were asleep. Just FUN!  Crazy concept, I know.

I honestly do not know why I am writing you all.  I just finished off an uncontrollable sob-fest.  October 26th through the new year screws me off and on, and has for six years.  Bleeds into April, and every day in between.  Some days I am fine, some days not so much.  This time of year, no matter how frustrating is one of the things I remember most about my dad.  So I reminisce in my mind.  And so it is apparently flowing out to y'all.

I remember a 27 pound turkey...a house not big enough to hold everyone...sneaking a turkey heart without anyone seeing me...scrabble playing...DAD!!!  I remember my DAD!!!  Oh my goodness, every scent, sight, and every loud is him.  I remember my amazing mama toiling over every savory and sweet bite for hours!!!  It is her.  I remember Thanksgiving being a time of thanks, and matter what may lie in front of us.  What happened to that?

I am going to take a moment, or few, of your time...and say THANKS!

There are no words to describe...I am so thankful for my amazing husband and three wonderful kids.  They make life, "interesting".  =)  I am beyond thankful for my Mama, my brothers and my Aunt Mar!!  I am thankful for those that I consider my "chosen family"!!  You all know who you are!  I am thankful for the wonderful family that welcomed in a girl from Millville...those Berryman's!!  I am thankful for all of my AMAZING nieces and nephews...and babies!!  I am thankful for all of those that I have been blessed enough with to call a friend!!  God and I love you all!  I also want to say that I am so thankful that I had the time I was given with my daddy, my Gram and my Grampa.  I love you all and I miss you daily!!!

In conclusion, I am very thankful for my life and every single person in it.

I love you all...God bless and have a bountiful Thanksgiving!!!  xoxoxoxoxoxo

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