Friday, May 4, 2012

Allow me to annoy you...

I realized this evening how annoying I am.  You know how you have certain people in your life that say the same things over and over?  I am one of those people.  My life could be a drinking game...but um, anyway.  How many times in my daily life, or emails, or Facebook posts or blog entries do I suddenly sound like a vinyl record skipping?  Seriously?  Zombies. For real?  The Walking Dead. Are you kidding me?  TV.  Fuck!  Beer.  Fuck!  Alcohol.  Rob Zombie.  Wine. No problem!  Shit!  Dude!!!  Really??  Fuck...I honestly do not understand how anyone can stand me.  I am annoying myself.  What the fuck is wrong with me?  Ironically enough, any explanation I could muster up would lead right back to the aforementioned cliche's.  So I guess there is no answer for my annoying habitual phrases or topics of conversation.  I know my F-bombs annoy my best friend.  I keep fucking doing that one to aggravate her though.  You know who you are dude!  There I go again!  Seriously?  Again!!  It is an epidemic with me.  There is no magical pill to make it stop either.  The alcohol makes it worse.  Speaking of alcohol, drink every time you read the word annoying.  Apparently this is going to be the not so secret word of the day!

We all have annoying traits.  I don't think any one of us realizes it either.  We all do it all the time.  It is so annoying to come to the realization just to how annoying you yourself are though.  I could easily sit here and say, I own it...I am going to try to stop.  Sadly, there is no rehab for this affliction.

I also realized this evening what a hypocrite I am when it comes to punctuation.  Incomplete and run on sentences.  Grammatical inconsistencies.  Wow.  The entire beginning to this paragraph is an English teachers worst nightmare.  I am terrible!  I am owning up to all of this shit after reviewing my previous posts on this here blog.  I honestly cannot even remember what constitutes a paragraph.  I am almost positive it has to be a certain amount of sentences and contain at least a semblance of succinct content, to which this one does not qualify.

I was watching video clips of the kids tonight, attempting a decision on which ones to post.  I opted away from a few due to the fact that my voice over was SO INCREDIBLY annoying.

My friend tells me that I am such an eloquent(actually she was really proud of coming up with another word for it all on her own but I can't remember it right now so we are using eloquent)writer, that I could get my point across just as easily by omitting the curse words.  She doesn't understand that if I were to do that, it would take all the fun out of it for me.  Me.  There is the reason, excuse, what have you.  Love me, like me or back the fuck off me damn it!  I am what I am.

Obviously y'all are bearing witness to a slight mental rambling of my own creation...if you think this is bad, try being in my brain daily.  Hope this was at least a little more lighthearted and more of an enjoyable read than the previous two.  Also, I think I have FINALLY figured out how to not have 90 kinds of font in a single post.  I will get there...

til next time

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